Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Ignite" Engagement in the Classroom

I love the "Ignite" presentation model but unfortunately many of the ignite videos are not intended for classroom use.  However,  it is a wonderful tool for teaching learners to use problem solving.  The funny thing is that the problem is inverse from that of adults using the same framework. If your not familiar with Ignite its fairly simple the speaker gets five minutes and slides are set on an automatic timer  so 20 slides change every fifteen seconds for adults the challenge comes from limiting what you have to say to the time limit.  When students use ignite it can be very interesting. Any gaps in there research or ability become very clear.  Any flaws in planning or preparation become clear as long as students practice beforehand.  The learners in my classroom like it when I use it because they know that I have a time limit and the I won't be able to infringe on their work time.

View more presentations from historyman8

Because this was designed for the Ignite framework and I have not had the chance to record it as audio or video I am simply posting my note  below per slide.

Slide 1 About eighteen months ago I took a hard look at the methods that I was using when presenting information to my classes.  I wasn't happy with the way they presented and I was board with what I was doing.  What I found very quickly was a couple of new tools: Google reader and RSS feeds, and through them I realized that the professional world was screaming for a change.  

 Slide 2 It seems that entirely too many young professionals are presenting like this.  How many of you have seen this slide or one like it.  This  is the typical slide created by a student for any type of presentation. 

Slide 3 The problem is that they aren't competing for resources and jobs with people in the same town any more they’re competing globally. So to combat this we built 21st century classrooms. 

Slide 4 And we filled our IWBs with slides like this and then we stand back and wonder why our students give boring presentations. We modeled the behavior over and over until it has become ingrained. 

Slide 5 This is the diagram of a 21st century classroom. Except that it is not a 21st century classroom. It completely lacks one crucial element

Slide 6 This is a 21st century classroom.  You as learning leader and your students as learning team or teams must interact through this technology before we can begin to call it 21st century learning.  As learning leader your job is to facilitate learning activities, not to give away random facts disguised as knowledge. 

Slide 7 All of technology in the world is not going to make students succeed. They need to be trained on the best way to use it.  This goes beyond the computer science teacher. Just as students need to learn how to read in each specialists content area, they need to learn to manipulate and output the information.  

Slide 8 Students need to learn how to problem solve through relevant projects  and display their solutions both as a group and as an individual. 

Slide 9 This is MIT’s teaching and learning lab. The last entry says it all “lifelong kindergarten” Special thanks to Chris Lehman for pointing this out and for suggesting that all classrooms need to be transformed into something better.  

Slide 10 Otherwise, we are creating these barren learning-scapes that we hated when we were their age.  Every leader needs to look back at the way the were taught and not say “It was good enough for me.”  Instead leaders need to change the way learning is done. 

Slide 11 Forget about working inside the box. Forget about thinking outside the box.  Its time to repurpose the box.  Turn it into what you and the members of your learning team need.  Make it work the way that you need it to. 

Slide 12 This is not re-purposing the box.  This is an example of presentation overload. This image actually appeared as part of the US military planning for the conflict in Afghanistan. 

Slide 13 Visual thinking accesses the most basic and largest pathways of the brain.  Yet most educators confuse visual thinking with reading. Letters and words may be based upon images but reading adds complex decoding that is necessary but not the fastest or most efficient method of information transmission.  

Slide 14 There is a difference between the verbal and visual pathways of the brain.  Think of the verbal pathway as a two lane road with information going in and out.  The visual pathway would by comparison, be a superhighway that standard instruction does not effectively utilize. (Slide provided by Sunni Brown)

Slide 15 The typical presentation does not create engagement.  They are to long and use so many bullet points that the end result is an audience that is turned off.  The typical PowerPoint presentation is not designed to be an exploration of learning.   

Slide 16 This is not just a US education problem.  A quick scan of reveals that this is a pandemic.  In order to stop it a movement must be created at the primary and secondary levels.

Slide 17 Learning leaders need to re evaluate how they measure success. Test and quizzes evaluate memorization not learning. Projects evaluate learning, and presentations based upon those projects reveal honestly acquired knowledge.

Slide 18 Hands on Learning allows students to manipulate information and increases retention and cognition 

Slide 19 When students collaborate their ideas expand.

Slide 20 So this is my drop in the educational ocean.  What are you going to do.

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